Volunteer Spotlight - Kathy Rosen & Robert Thompson

Big B.H.C.H. FOOD bank salute to Kathy Rosen, and Robert Thompson. Kathy is a 2 year volunteer, a member of B.H.C.H. board of directors, and serves as treasurer for our organization. She works the computer at the front desk and keeps the rest of us hopping as she assigns clients to other volunteers.

Robert is the guy whose picture you'll find if you google: hard worker, willing to do any job that pops up. Also, the guy who keeps us all laughing with his weird sense of humor. Two more volunteers who are appreciated and loved by all of us.

Katrina Upton

Tech Mom of 3 | Horse Lover | Mac User | Website Designer | Native Biz Owner | Proud Tuu-tuu-dv-ne
